Kim Newell with the SCDHEC grew up in Aiken and knows the vast history of The Willcox. Newell said she was happy to see a hotel as old as The Willcox receive such distinction for its green efforts. ?Being green and sustainability is ...
1, after a conversion from a Radisson Hotel that included a $1 million renovation. FW Business Press, November 23, 2010. Fort Worth-based TPG Capital and Leonard Green& Partners will acquire clothing retailer J. Crew Group Inc in a ... Gorrondona & Associates has leased 21404 square feet of industrial space located at [7524 Jack Newell Blvd, Forth Worth]. Star-Telegram, November 1, 2010. Richard Connor and his wife, Deborah, have again purchased the Fort Worth Business ...
The Homer Laughlin China Company of Newell, West Virginia manufactured Fiesta dinnerware from the middle of the 1930s until 1973. After a hiatus of about 12 years, Fiesta was once again produced and is still being produced today in the ...